
Daniel Davis – 12 March 2011

Dermoid was spawned from a deceptively simple question: how can a doubly curved pavilion be fashioned from a wooden reciprocal frame. The question occupied a number of researchers from CITA and SIAL for over a year as part of Mark Burry’s Velux visiting professorship to the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art. As part of the Dermoid team I developed the core logic driving Dermoid’s parametric models, I investigated methods of structuring and sharing these models, and I led a workshop in November 2011 to teach students how to model the Dermoid.


My illustrations of Dermoid are featured in chapter 10 of Scripting Cultures by Mark Burry (2011). My computational work forms the basis for: Understanding Visual Scripts: Improving Collaboration Through Modular Programming, International Journal of Architectural Computing, 2011; and Untangling Parametric Schemata: Enhancing Collaboration Through Modular Programming, CAAD Futures, 2011.


  • Dermoid I: 1:1 Research By Design, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, March 2011.
  • Dermoid II: Copenhagen Design Week, Denmark Design Museum, September 2011.
  • Dermoid III: Convergence, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, May 2013.

Project Team, Dermoid I

From SIAL: Mark Burry, Jane Burry, Daniel Davis, Alexander Peña de Leon. From CITA: Mette Thomsen, Martin Tamke, Phil Ayres, Anders Deleuran, Aron Fidjeland, Stig Nielsen, Morten Winter, Tore Banke, Jacob Riiber; Workshop 3, Material Behaviour, Department 2, EK2, fourth year (November 2010); Workshop 4, Paths to Production, Department 2, third year, (January 2011).

Photos of Dermoid I by Anders Ingvartsen


Process photos

Development of strategies to propagate a single length of timber on an elliptical surface

Development of strategies to propagate a single length of timber on an elliptical surface

Parametrically modeling the bend of wood

Parametrically modeling the bend of wood

Photo of the workshop

Inside the June 2010 Dermoid workshop. From left to right: Martin Tamke, jacob Riiber, Morten Winter, Jane Burry (hidden), Mark Burry, Alexander Peña de Leon, Phil Ayres, Mette Thomsen.

An early render I made of what Dermoid would look like at the 1:1 exhibition

An early render I made of what Dermoid would look like at the 1:1 exhibition

A family of Dermoid possibilities created for Scripting Cultures.

A family of Dermoid possibilities created for Scripting Cultures.

The above video shows a dynamic relaxation process I developed for Dermoid I.